Prendre Soin de Vos Carpes Koïs en Hiver : L'Importance de la Nourriture Adaptée

Winter brings its share of challenges for koi pond owners. As temperatures drop, it’s crucial to adjust the care we give our precious fish. One of the most important aspects? Their diet.

Understanding Koi Metabolism in Winter

Water temperature plays a crucial role in the metabolism of koi. Below 10°C, their digestive system slows down. This means that their diet must be adapted to avoid health problems.

Why Choose Wheat-Germ Food?

Wheat-germ food is specially designed for low temperatures. Easy to digest, it provides koi with essential nutrients without overloading their slow digestive system. At Aquiflor, we recommend this food as being optimal for your fish during the winter.

Reduce Feeding Frequency

In winter, your koi only need to be fed every two or three days. If the temperature drops below 5°C, it is even advisable to stop feeding. Wheat-germ food is ideal because it minimizes the risk of overfeeding while still providing the necessary nutrients.

Observe and React

Monitor your koi's behavior. If you notice they are less active or not interested in their food, adjust accordingly. Flexibility is key.

Maintaining Water Quality

Proper nutrition helps maintain the balance of your pond's ecosystem. Wheat-germ food decomposes less quickly, thus preserving water quality.

Winter doesn't have to be a stressful time for your koi. By choosing the right food, such as our wheat-germ range specially designed for low temperatures, you ensure the health and well-being of your fish. Visit Aquiflor to discover our selection and get personalized advice on caring for your koi in all seasons.