Découvrez l'Aquipond Nitriboost : Le Secret pour un Étang Équilibré au Printemps

As spring approaches, it's time to prepare your pond for a thriving season with Aquipond Nitriboost , a solution designed by scientists working for the brand, Aquipond.

What is Aquipond Nitriboost?

Aquipond Nitriboost is a liquid solution containing beneficial bacteria specially designed for ponds. These bacteria work in harmony with your pond's natural ecosystem to break down organic waste, nitrates and nitrites, helping to maintain clear and balanced water .

How to use Aquipond Nitriboost?

Using Aquipond Nitriboost is simple and effective. You only need to dose 1 litre of product for every 10 cubic metres of water in your pond. Simply pour the recommended amount into your pond water, preferably near the pump or filter for optimal dispersion.

The Power of Good Bacteria for Your Pond

Aquipond Nitriboost is not just a product, it is a magic formula that relaunches your body of water with beneficial bacteria. Seed your biological and mechanical filtration system with these carefully selected bacteria to naturally reduce nitrite levels.

These little microbial wonders give your water body a boost, creating a healthy and balanced environment for your fish and aquatic plants.

The Benefits ofAquipond Nitriboost :

  • Ecosystem Balance: Beneficial bacteria promote a natural balance by breaking down waste and reducing nitrite and nitrate levels.

  • Clear and healthy water: By removing harmful substances, Aquipond Nitriboost helps maintain crystal clear and healthy water for your fish and aquatic plants.

  • Easy to use: Its liquid format and simple application method make it a practical product for all pond owners, whether beginners or experienced.

Composed by Scientists, Tested by Nature

Aquipond Nitriboost has been composed by scientists and tested under the most rigorous conditions to guarantee the best results in your ponds. Produced in Belgium by chemical engineers specializing in the treatment of pond water and natural swimming pools, these bacteria are the key to maintaining the biological quality of your pond.

Easy and Effective Use

The dosage is simple: 1 liter per 10 cubic meters of water. In case of excess nitrite, you can double the dose for a more intensive action. Just make sure that the pH of the water is between 6.5 and 8 and that the water temperature is above 10°C for optimal operation of the NitriBoost.

A Healthy and Clear Environment

Aquipond Nitriboost contains all the good bacteria necessary for the proper functioning of your body of water, without risk to fish or other living organisms.

These bacteria contribute to the nitrogen cycle, efficiently removing ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, as well as excess nitrogen and phosphorus. The result is clear, healthy, odorless water, ready to support thriving aquatic life.


Prepare your pond for the upcoming season with Aquipond Nitriboost and give it the best possible start. With its unique blend of beneficial bacteria, you can be sure that your pond will be in good hands. Order your bottle of Aquipond Nitriboost now from Aquishop.com and make your pond a haven for aquatic life.