Bio-Exit Green - Easy-Life - Faut-il enlever le charbon de bois?

When treating your aquarium with Easy Life Bio-Exit Green , you may be wondering, "Should I remove the charcoal from my filter?" This is a common question among our customers, and we'll answer it in detail so you can maximize the effectiveness of this treatment while maintaining the health of your aquarium.

What is Bio-Exit Green?

Bio-Exit Green is a biological solution designed to combat filamentous algae and other excess nutrients in aquarium water. This product works by restoring the natural biological balance by promoting plant growth and reducing the nutrients responsible for algae proliferation. This treatment is based on natural components and fits perfectly into an ecological approach to aquarium maintenance.

The importance of activated carbon in the filter

Activated carbon is often used in aquarium filters for its chemical filtration properties. It absorbs impurities, toxins and some dissolved organic substances, making the water clearer and healthier for fish and plants. However, it is important to understand that activated carbon is not selective: it can also absorb beneficial elements introduced into the aquarium, including the active components of Bio-Exit Green.

Should charcoal be removed during treatment?

The answer is yes . When using Bio-Exit Green , it is recommended to remove the activated carbon from the filter. The activated carbon could in fact absorb the beneficial substances of the treatment, thus reducing its effectiveness and slowing down the fight against algae.

How to proceed?

  1. Remove the activated carbon from the filter before adding the Bio-Exit Green. You can temporarily replace it with another filter media, such as ceramics or filter foam, which will provide mechanical filtration without interfering with the treatment.

  2. Apply Bio-Exit Green according to the manufacturer's instructions. This treatment will not disturb the natural balance of your aquarium and will promote plant growth while reducing algae proliferation.

  3. Reintroduce the activated charcoal after about a week, once the treatment has had time to take effect. You can also base your decision on the condition of the water and algae to determine if the treatment is complete.

What happens if you don't remove the coal?

If you leave the activated carbon in the filter while applying Bio-Exit Green , the product will quickly be neutralized by the carbon. This means that the treatment will not be able to work effectively against algae and you will probably have to extend or repeat the treatment, which could also become expensive in the long run.


Easy Life Bio-Exit Green is a great choice for those looking to restore balance to their aquarium without resorting to harsh chemicals. However, to get the most out of this product, it is crucial to remove the charcoal from your filter during treatment. This will ensure that the active ingredients can work fully and restore clarity and health to your aquarium.

If you still have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us or drop by the Aquiflor garden center, where our team of experts will be happy to advise you.